BAKCHAR-NEFTE REFINERY is one of the most technologically advanced refineries in Russia. It specializes in the refining of several kinds of hydrocarbons (West Siberia, Tomsk Region) oil, a mixture of crude oils, gas condensate) to produce various grades of fuel and petrochemical products.
BAKCHAR-NEFT REFINERY history extends back to 2008, when units were put into operation for crude oil refining and production of its first marketable petroleum products. Since it’s commissioning, work to improve crude-oil refining technology and as well as modernize technological capacities has been constantly underway.
Today, BAKCHAR-NEFT REFINERY operates several dozen technological units, including practically all those that provide a high depth of crude oil processing (delayed coking, hydrocracking, catalytic cracking, DE asphalting, tiebreaking, and bitumen production).
The installed capacity of Bakharneftegaz is 6.5 million tons. In 2011, the plant processed 4.8 million tons of oil.
BAKCHAR-NEFT REFINERY manufactures more than 30 types of products, including high-octane motor gasoline, low-sulfur diesel fuel, fuel oil, bitumen, coke, lump and granular sulfur, liquefied gases and benzene.
The plant’s products repeatedly have been named among The Best Products of West Siberia Rigion (Tomsk) and the 100 Best oil product of Russia. BAKCHAR-NEFT REFINERY itself has been commended for being a model company in industrial ecology as well as for its contribution to the economy of Tomsk Region and for investing effectively.
A key element in BAKCHAR-NEFT REFINERY vertical integration was the creation of a commercial unit for supplying crude oil and refined products to the domestic and export markets, as well as for ensuring procurement of raw materials to load refining capacities.
The commercial unit effectively monitors the domestic and international markets for crude oil and petroleum products and, in accordance with market conditions, orients production based on real market needs. After completely abandoning the practice of refining third-party crude oil on a fee basis, the Company’s sales of its own production in domestic and international markets have steadily increased. In addition, BAKCHAR-NEFT REFINERY is seeking to maximize its own distribution infrastructure.
BAKCHAR-NEFT REFINERY supplies both crude oil and petroleum products for export to the Czech Republic, Poland and Germany via the Druzhba pipeline and through the ports of Primorsk and Gdansk. In 2011 the company exported more than 1.4 million tons of crude oil, equivalent to 22.7% of its total production.
The Company’s exports of petroleum-product exports in 2011 totaled 7.8 million tons. Petroleum products were exported mainly to foreign countries (5.4 million, or 70.6% of deliveries), in particular, to regions of northwestern Europe as well as to CIS countries (1.02 million tons, or 16.4%).
Deliveries are carried out via Transneft pipeline system as well as by rail, to Kazakhstan and marine terminals in Murmansk and Kaliningrad. The Company’s portfolio of petroleum products for export was diversified to include gasoline, diesel, fuel oil and other products. Diesel fuel accounted for the largest share of the export structure — about 57%, vacuum gas oil accounted for about 22% and heating oil for less than 10% of the items in the export basket. The volume of gasoline for export was negligible.
Product Assortment
The quality of BAKCHAR-NEFT REFINERY final products meets the standards established by the Russian Government (GOST, TU). The quality of fuel produced by the Company is not lower than Euro-3 standard.
The Company is focused on establishing long-term, effective partnerships on mutually beneficial terms for selling its petroleum and petrochemical products.
Close cooperation in all areas characterizes the unique nature of BAKCHAR-NEFT REFINERY complex and allows for maximum flexibility in the refining process, resulting in maximum economic impact.
The BAKCHAR-NEFT REFINERY are among Russia’s most technically advanced enterprises, with a Nelson Complexity Index factor of 8.3, which is comparable to the European average for refineries.
Despite its leading position in refining, BAKCHAR-NEFT REFINERY continues to invest in upgrading its facilities, believing that modernization will contribute to the Company’s overall competitiveness. In 2011–2012, the Company’s capital investment in oil refining was about 7 billion rubles.
BAKCHAR-NEFT REFINERY, which has a diversified and balanced production structure, ranks seventh in Russia in the manufacture of basic petrochemical products. Petrochemicals are produced at our plants — BAKCHAR-NEFT Refinery well-constructed production chain.
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