LLC BAKCHAR-NEFT strategy is to fully meet consumer requirements at domestic and external markets, to develop new and improve the existing markets, to make products more competitive, to gain sustained profit for further economic growth of LLC “BAKCHAR-NEFT”, to raise living standard of the personnel, to meet the demands of shareholders, investors.
Quality Policy is aimed at:
1. functioning and continuous improvement of a centralized management system, which incorporates planning & budgeting systems, as well as management & tax accounting systems;
2. integrating quality management principles into a centralized management system, in compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001(9004):2000;
3. functioning and continuous improvement of a quality management system in compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001(9004):2000;
4. exploiting a corporate information system R/3;
5. products upgrading, reducing production & services costs;
6. devising novel types of products and expanding the existing capacities to meet consumer expectations;
7. Selecting reliable Suppliers of good quality feedstock, materials, components and developing creative mutually beneficial cooperation with Suppliers;
8.Reducing the number of upsets in processes, of equipment failures, incidents, contingencies, poor quality services;
9. involving all personnel of LLC “BAKCHAR-NEFT” in activities on continuous improvement of processes, on upgrading products & services;
10. Making the personnel of LLC “BAKCHAR-NEFT” understand the requirements and expectations of Consumers (including domestic ones) as to products (services) quality;
11. Creating at the Company the production process environment, which would contribute to augmenting the personnel's contentment favoring for the Company's more efficient activities;
12. Making all personnel of LLC “BAKCHAR-NEFT” be aware of the “Quality Policy”.
CEO is responsible for boosting the activities on the management system up-grade at LLC “BAKCHAR-NEFT”.
The Quality Policy is exploited as a vehicle of managing the Company to improve its activities, making part of the Company's policy and strategy.
To meet in full consumer requirements and expectations is regarded as a principal purpose of the quality management system, and is a targeted criterion to assess its potency and efficiency, to define advancement vectors.
The Company's quality management system (QMS) has been certified to comply with the requirements of ISO 9001:2000.
Quality Awards to LLC “BAKCHAR-NEFT” :
2010 – Certificate of the RF Government “For Significant Achievements in Quality”;
2011 – Certificate of the RF Government “For Significant Achievements in Quality”;
2012 – Quality Prize of the RF Government for significant achievements in products quality and implementation of high-efficiency quality management methods.
© LLC Bakchar-Neft- 2024.
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